Machine building - Machines and Devices
Machine building – The manufactured CNC machine can be fully adapted to your needs in terms of hardware and software. We include the appropriate sensors, actuators, switches or even an absolute position measuring bar that controls the machine (linear closed loop). We can also prepare a suitable CAM program. This is a textual graphic program – interface. On base of user input data the output programs in G-code are automatically generated. This makes it easy to use the CNC machine without any knowledge of G-code. At the same time, this avoids time-consuming manual writing of programs and possible errors. This also means, that there are no costs due to tool breakages or workpieces damage.
If you have your own production resources, but you don’t have the appropriate knowledge for automation, we can help you with the implementation. We also prepare an optimal proposal for the automation itself.

The produced device can be simple and purely mechanical or complex and fully automated with microprocessor control.

Settings & Control
Other control systems