Programming – we deal mainly with device programming and various user program interfaces between devices and PC. That includes also data capturing from devices and data processing. We can prepare also dedicated graphical CAM programs. We offer also microcontroller programming together with hardware development. As part of the device manufacturing, we offer also integration of remote access to device. This can be done with a mobile device. Device can be connected locally via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Also global access from anywhere with a secure remote to the device is possible.
CAM Program
Do you have a specific CNC machine and write the G-code manually? This process is time-consuming and leaves a lot of space for errors. By creating a suitable CAM program the work will be done much faster and accurate. Such program interface can be text or graphical type. On base of such CAM program working programs in G-code are automatically generated. All what do you need is only type all input data into input mask. This makes it easy to use the machine without knowing the G-code. At the same time, it avoids time-consuming manual writing of programs and possible errors. This also reduce the costs due to tool breakages or damage to the workpieces.
Data capturing
Captured data’s from devices can be a very powerful tool. Data’s are automatically stored in databases. They allow us to keep an overview of what is happening with the data’s during longer period. This gives us the possibility at a later stage to run SQL queries and allows us further analysis, calculations and process optimisation.
Mobile access
When a machine, device or control system is built, a communication module can be included into hardware. This allows us to connect to the device with a mobile device via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections. This allows us to view locally the current data and make device settings. It is also possible a secure global remote access to the device from anywhere.
Programming microcontrollers
The development of dedicated hardware also requires the development of the microcontroller’s firmware. This firmware takes care of the intended operation of the microcontroller hardware at a low level, e.g. working with inputs, outputs, RS232 communication, analogue measurements, etc.